Frequently asked questions
What is E4i?
E4i is an endowment fund regulated by the French law of modernization of the economy n°2008-776 of August 4, 2008, i.e. a non-profit organization dedicated to a mission of general interest whose objective is the promotion of precision medicine and women’s health.
When was E4i created and by who?
E4i was launched at the end of 2022 and officially created in 2023 by Yahya EL MIR, Norbert NABET and Annalisa BALLADORI.
Is E4i focusing on specific diseases?
No, E4i focuses on the diffusion of the culture of innovation and more specifically in the field of precision medicine and women’s health. We rely on the culture of ecosystems that are by nature open and transparent, mutually enriching each other’s experiences.
Is E4i financing actions?
E4i can collect donations and subscriptions to feed its budget and finance various communication, collaboration or any other kind of actions that allow to reach its objective of spreading the culture of innovation in the fields of precision medicine and women’s health.
Where is E4i located?
The head office of the endowment fund E4i Is located in Lyon (France). Actions, events, or meetings related to E4i can take place in various locations in France or overseas.
Who can attend an E4i meeting?
Everyone can attend E4i meetings or other events, which are open to the public. However, work and exchange activities are for members only.
Who can become a member?
Any individual interested in promoting precision medicine or women’s health can become a member of E4i. To become a member, simply register on the website and accept the general conditions. No membership fee is required. Members can become sponsors and thus support the operation of the endowment fund.
Who can become partner?
The status of partner is for legal entities only. Any academic, public, private, associative, or industrial legal entity, etc. can become a partner of E4i. To do so, fill in the questionnaire and accept the general conditions. The partners can become sponsors and thus support the operation of the endowment fund.
Is there a minimal amount for sponsorship?
The amount of the sponsorship (annual fee or one-time grant) is free, confidential, and left to the appreciation of the members and partners.
Does E4i have a commercial activity?
E4i is a non-profit organization. This does not prevent it from commercializing some of its products in certain specific circumstances. The logic of this commercialization is the budgetary balance of the projects developed and the deployment of the actions of the endowment fund.